Go from out of control to manageable.

Learn from Dr. Liz, a Physical Therapist, and gain the knowledge, power, and skills to start managing your chronic pain.

Enroll Today.

It’s gonna sound crazy, but please, just entertain me for a few minutes.

After a week-long dance event with a woman who was, wait for it - also a dominatrix. I was thinking about how ironic it was that all I wanted to do was get rid of my pain, but people come to her asking for pain to be inflicted upon them, and they experienced it as pleasure!! 

Pain is the ultimate proof of the mind-body connection.

This observation led me to explore the brain-body connection beyond conventional medicine to include practices of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness as a method of managing pain.  

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Is this course for you? 


Are you open to alternative methods?

Are you ready to make a change?

Are you willing to feel resistance and lean into it?

Then this course is for you.

In this course, you'll learn:

  • Mechanisms of chronic pain / where does it come from
  • How to blend conventional and unconventional medicine
  • 3 tools to use immediately to modulate your chronic pain experience

Thank you for letting me be your guide. 

I'll see you on the other side.

Enroll Today!